About Roommate-Locator.com
1. Information Roommate-Locator.com collects and tracks

Roommate-Locator.com collects Roommate-Locator.com type of information about users:

a) data that users provide through forms, sign up and registration;

b) data collected from our e-mail program, including whether or not e-mail is opened, returned, and what links recipients click on;

c) data collected through aggregated tracking information derived mainly by tallying page views throughout our site. Such information may be used in the future to better understand the demographics of our audience;

2. Use of the information

Roommate-Locator.com uses any information voluntarily given by our users to enhance their experience in the site, whether to better prepare future content based on the interests of our users, or to provide repeat visitors with better service based on their previous experience in our site. As stated above, Roommate-Locator.com uses information that users voluntarily provide during human click, forms, e-mail and phone calls in order to assist users in their use of our site and to improve the quality of our site. Roommate-Locator.com may create aggregate reports on user demographics and traffic patterns for affiliates and partners. In addition, Roommate-Locator.com uses information provided by home buyers to assist them in finding a home and uses information provided by home sellers in assisting them to sell their homes.

3. Sharing of the information

Roommate-Locator.com will never provide identifiable user information to any third party unless the user has requested us to. When visitors request services, Roommate-Locator.com will inform affiliate third party service providers of the criteria that the user has specified regarding the services the user requires. Roommate-Locator.com will also provide these service providers with contact information.

Roommate-Locator.com will divulge information as necessary to comply with applicable laws.

4. Correct/update policy

Roommate-Locator.com requests that users notify us as soon as is practicable regarding any error in our information. 

5. Security

Roommate-Locator.com takes strict measures to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of information collected. Access to data is only on a 'need to know' basis. We review our web security on an ongoing basis. We do not collect or keep any sensitive information such as credit card information or social security numbers via our web site.

If Roommate-Locator.com decides to change its privacy policy, we will post those changes on Roommate-Locator.com page.

Roommate-Locator.com does not ask for personal information. Roommate-Locator.com works to maintain the highest professional standards of confidentiality and integrity.
Keep your information secure and private

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